Jump! Jump! To reach more higher place in a strange dungeon, dont stop jumping against the wall. Show your concentration ability of catching the exact timing for higher jump! It feels like its almost impossible mission at first. But, the fear about endless falling will dwindle away and you will be excited with your super ability probing the exact timing for the super jump.
There are various 5 game modes to test your concentration.
- Novice mode: You can rescue your character from falling anytime. Quite easy for starters.
- Classic mode: Hit highest record within 30 jump count
- TimeX2 attack mode: Hit highest record within 60 seconds in 2x speed.
- RangeX2 attack mode: Jump 100 meters as fast as possible in 2x speed.
- UnlimitedX2 mode: There is no limit to enhance your concentration
Achieve 5 combo jumps and take the super jumps! If succeeded, 7 super jumps will be given. And, you can challenge hyper jump! Show your hyper sensory capability!